The decrease in the costs of production, distribution, and marketing of components for the construction of technology in the world, in addition to the new phenomenon of “Open Hardware”, which encourages the construction of the technology in homes or small workshops, relying on the formation of collaborative communities that learn and teach you to build, generate a phenomenon that has been called the third industrial revolution.
Hence the need to encourage young Colombians to get involved with this new movement, with this industrial revolution that will displace manufacturing from producing countries, anywhere in the world, the great pioneers of technology can be and from now on the great ideas.
It is a big opportunity for the Latin american countries, where the problems of technological development and systematization of industrial processes are well-known and experienced by all, is now the time where you have to give you the confidence, knowledge, and tools to the new generations so that they start to develop technology, in their countries, for which the solutions are generated where there are needs, just to the extent of the same, and with costs and time of developing and implementing competitive with the global market.
In bogohack, we use a diverse range of systems and elements for the development of technology, among them are, Arduino, Raspberry PI, Scratch, Beagle Bone, Little Bits, Makey Makey, Bare Bone, Lilypad, 3D Printing, and more We lend a variety of Course for the learning of these tools and systems, the calls are made periodically, if you want a special course, please write us and we will be in Contact to do it and cover the topics really necessary.
The workshops offered aim to achieve two main objectives, first of all to provide a technical training starting from an early age, the use of tools and the skills to build can be encouraged from a very early age, thus encouraging the sense of curiosity and teaching a method for the conception and completion of a Project. Secondly, to generate in the student a feeling of confidence and empowerment in the face of technology, in the sense that they feel that doing things is easy and that it is in their hands to generate solutions. These two objectives aim to capture the creative instinct of students and find a way to vent using technological tools. For these reasons and considering the future global circumstances, for bogohack it is essential to carry out these workshops in young students, starting from the age of 5, so that from a young, timely age, the fear of technology is lost and can count on an accelerated development of technologists in the country.
The Talk will focus Mainmente in the information aspect and in the motivational, the open source movement is a movement very attractive to achieve good results quickly, each project described by bogohack has a community behind ready to collaborate with all its new members and willing to receive new developments, that feed on these Project, we seek to find in our audience these new leaders to carry out innovative developments and bold problem solvers. For these reasons, in addition to providing technical information on developments and applications, we accompany the Talks with demonstrations of technology developed in Colombia in an open source way, to provide the public with a grounded sample of the wonders that can be achieved and that it is time to believe that change is NOW!